Some Junior High School (JHS) students have been recorded on camera doing something strange after writing their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), and many Ghanaians after coming across this video couldn’t keep mute over it. As many Ghanaians are aware, all BECE students will finish writing their examination today, 21st October 2022 by writing French. However, not all of these students write French.
The students in your picture are part of the students who don’t study French at their school. As a result of this, they started their celebration early in the morning. According to the person who posted this video on social media, these are students of a government school in a town called Ataabadze. If you watch the video carefully, you can see that these students have torn their uniforms, and they are having fun in a taxi.
They were about three taxis for their celebration. Some of these students were seen with their heads outside the windows of the taxi as they were waving their uniforms in the sky. The taxi drivers were driving recklessly with these young pupils in the car. Some social media users after coming across this video said that this is very dangerous. With any little mistake, they will fall off the taxis or the taxis will somersault and all of them will die.
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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