Thinking back into the past, technological advancement was not as it is today. People use to drink water form the rivers and streams. Their only source of medicine was the one’s they were able to prepare using the trees. But time has passed, which has brought about the pharmaceutical medication’s which we buy now to cure sicknesses.
There seem to be countless medicine’s now for the different kind of diseases. The most common illness we all know of is fever, and affects almost every individual. Sure a person can just buy medications from a pharmacy as a cure.
But also, you can choose to prepare this natural medicine to help cure the fever. Consisting of only herb’s from trees, it proves effective enough to cure fever. The ingredients include, bitter leaf and neem tree leaves.
This medicine is basically a combination of different kinds of leaves. To prepare, just wash with salt thoroughly for two or three times. Then add to water and place on fire. Remove from the fire if thick enough, drain the water from the leaves and drink.
It’s as simple as that. Although the taste will tend out to be a little bitter, it’s effectiveness is hundred percent.
Content created and supplied by: Smartbrains (via Opera
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