Eggs are one of the tasty foods one can take every day. This is because it is readily available and also cheap at the same time. Many have chickens in their homes and therefore getting eggs is not a big deal to them. As a man, you are supposed to consume more eggs than women. I know many might have been wondering why. Today I’m going to talk about some of the reasons why men are supposed to eat eggs more frequently than women.
1. It helps in building six packs.
Most men always want six-packs because it makes them appear sexier than women. Egg consumption should increase to do this. When you eat eggs for breakfast, this mainly applies. Eggs lower your body’s cortisol levels while assisting in muscular growth. Consider eating proteins for breakfast if you want a lovely body form. It will be very beneficial to you.
2. It helps in improving eyesight.
Eggs can be so helpful when it comes to giving clear eyesight. This is because it raises the level of antioxidants in your blood. It also has a high percentage of essential fatty acids and nutrients such as zinc and vitamins ( A and B12) which helps in making your eyesight clear. This will make you see clearly in old age.
3. It helps in curbing hunger.
When a man eats eggs frequently, he will stay full for a long period thereby reducing the amount of food being consumed. It will also help you to keep away from eating food with high calories. You will be able to burn more calories from your body than the ones that you are consuming. As a man, you should therefore consider eating eggs more frequently than anyone else.
Content created and supplied by: Limzygist (via Opera
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