Thorn apple is a stench-filled, upright, bushy, freely branched herb. It grows in a variety of locations, vacant lots, overgrown fields, and discarded plants. It also goes by the name Datura, and there are other species of it.
Around the world, thorn apple plants, seeds, petals, leaves, and roots have all been used for therapeutic purposes. Toxic dog bites have been treated with the roots. Here are a few ailments that you can treat using thorn apples.
fever treatment. It is possible to treat some types of fever with fruit of the thorn apple. You can use this fruit to treat malaria if it is stubbornly present in your body. After burning it, it can be eaten right away.
Skin conditions can be treated with fresh thorn apple leaf juice. Take the juice from the leaves and apply it to the area of your skin that is affected by a skin condition.
The leaves and root of thorn apple were applied topically to treat cuts and boils in conventional herbal therapy. American botanist and physician Charles Millspaugh wrote in his 1892 book Medicinal Plants that the thorn apple plant was employed as a narcotic and demulcent medicine for treating ailments like neuralgia and epilepsy. Additionally, he provided evidence that this plant was recommendedas a salve for the treatment of burn wounds and scalds.
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