Ghanaian men are gradually starting to notice a common trait amongst the Ghanaian ladies that they date. One of those traits is when the ladies try to limit the amount of sex in the relationship.
A video that is going viral on social media seems to be relatable to both Ghanaian men and women.
A young creator on TikTok with the username “emilerobmart” has voiced out that he is usually annoyed with ladies who would often call their boyfriend in advance and tell them that when they visit there wouldn’t be any sex.
The boyfriend will therefore have it in mind and thus make no advancements towards the Lady when she visits. Only for the lady to start flirting with the guy, putting their hands in the guy’s underwear, and then at the end outright asking the guy to have sex with her.
Ghanaian ladies reacted to the video by commenting that they do that because sometimes they don’t know what they want. One moment they want to be chaste and virtuous, the next moment they are in the mood and can’t resist.
Content created and supplied by: Exclusive_News_GH (via Opera
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