For the past 2 weeks Mama Patricia Asiedua Oduro popularly called Nana Agradaa has been trending. The self-acclaimed Reverend has been accused of defrauding her church members of various amounts. According those who spoke, the fetish priestess turned pastor called on her members to bring their monies so she doubles it for them. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen as many were scammed of their monies.
Today, the founder of Heaven Way Champion International was in court where she was granted bail. However, this had to come under some tough conditions. Agradaa who appeared in court today, Monday, October 17, 2022 looked happy as she is celebrating her birthday today. According to the judge her bail fine is 50,000 cedis with 3 sureties of civil servants who earn not less than 2000 cedis a month.
Again Agradaa has to report to the Prosecutor every Wednesday until she is finally cleared. Many would have thought this will end the matter, but it isn’t so. There are other charges against her and this means that she is to remain in police custody till those charges at Circuit court 10 are also cleared. Agradaa is facing charges of defrauding by false pretense and charlatanic Advertisement.
Content created and supplied by: Still_Unbeatable (via Opera
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