A stroke is considered a medical emergency arising from damage to the brain. A stroke requires a medical diagnosis, lab tests and emergency care.
Symptoms of stroke include numbness or paralysis of the face, arm and leg.
Research has indicated that 43% of stroke patients experienced mini-stroke symptoms up to a week before a major stroke.
Symptoms of mini-stroke may include numbness in one part of the body, blindness in one eye, loss of balance and slurred speech. A mini-stroke may be described as a transient ischemic attack.
Can drinking water reduce the risk of getting a stroke? According to research by Loma Linda University, to reduce the risk of stroke by 53%, you should drink at least 5 glasses of water per day.
Can stress cause a stroke? Stress can cause the heart to work harder, increase blood pressure and increase the fat and sugar levels in the bloodstream. These things can expose persons who are over-stressed to create clots forming and travelling to the brain, causing a heart attack or stroke.
Some strokes last for a few minutes whilst others last for hours or days.
Stroke can be cured in two stages. First, the doctor administers a medication that restores normal blood flow in the brain. Secondly, the patient is required to participate in rehabilitation to cure the secondary effects.
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Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
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