Facial hair is every woman’s nightmare and we’re constantly on the lookout for some permanent solution which will put an end to our troubles.Numerous of women have a facial hair and they know that removing it can be really difficult problem. Most of them try shaving or shaving but the experts clam that these methods may have the opposite results. Luckily for you we’ve got the perfect solution for all your “hairy” problems and you just need some flour (gran or chickpea flour is best but regular white flour will be OK) to effectively remove all the unwanted facial hair. In this particular write-up, I shall discuss with you two equally effective methods for hair removal, you can try each and see which one suits your needs best.
Method #1. Mix one cup of flour (chickpea flour woks best but you can use plain flour if you don’t have) half a teaspoon of curcumin and a few drops of milk. Apply the mixture on your face, on the hairs you want to remove in the direction of hair growth and let it dry off. Once the mixture is dry use a wet towel and start removing the mixture in the opposite direction of hair growth. Remove any residue with warm water. In the end apply some moisturizer. Your skin might feel slightly irritated but the feeling lasts just for a while. This method of hair removal makes your skin smoother and lighter as well. If you practice it regularly you will notice significant reduction in facial hair.
Method #2 You can also use fresh lemon juice and some chickpea flour to remove the unwanted facial hairs. Mix 10gr of lemon juice, 1 cup of water and 30gr of flour. Mix until you get a homogenous paste and apply it on your face. Leave it to dry off for about 15 minutes and then you can remove it. Remove the mixture with a towel, pressing firmly in the direction of hair growth.
Content created and supplied by: Sharonnewsgh (via Opera
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