The newly ordained woman of God, Reverend Mama Pat. popularly known as Nana Agradaa who worships with Heaven Way Champion International Ministry was trending some hours ago after she was accused by her church members of scamming them. A video of the church members wailing and blaming themselves went viral as it caught the attention of many. Many social media users who came across the video were very happy and were not surprised as well as they were expecting such act by her to happen at all cost for that was her practice formerly as a spiritual worker.
In response to the above allegation, Reverend Mama Pat. has finally broke her silence over the issue which is also trending on social media. In a video sighted via the instagram handle of Ghpage news is her message to Ghanaians in general mocking her if scamming her church members. She stated that, after having an all night session with her church members on Friday, a video has since then gone viral which she has debunked such rumors. She promised not to stain the sanity the Lord has imbibed in her to serve her hence considers all those mocking her enemies which she quoted from the Bible.

Watch the video via the provided link below:
In spite of the video she dropped not long ago, many are still not convinced for she stand at a high chance of committing such as for she is widely known for it.
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