High blood pressure is one of the deadly disease that affects most people, however it’s not given enough attention on how to prevent it.
High blood pressure can damage the brain, Heart and also loss vision.
High blood pressure is generally a silent condition, which may include flushing, dizziness and blood cloth in the eyes.
It is caused when we are obsessed, living seditary lifestyle and also taking in so much sodium, all these are the causes of high blood pressure in the human body.
However there are some basic tips on how to prevent high blood pressure.
We must develop a heart healthy diets, increase our physical activities day in and day out, Quitting smoking and also reducing alcohol intake as well.
In addition we must also increase the intake of fruit and vegetables in our daily diets.
So by doing this it may help reduce the high risk of high blood pressure in the human body.
Content created and supplied by: Young (via Opera
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