1. A good wife never forgets the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. A good wife ensures her man is well-fed.
2. A good wife avoids nagging because she understands nagging and complaining constantly creates an unwanted rift between her and her husband.
3. A good wife picks her battles and doesn’t fight over everything.
4. A good wife keeps her home organized.
5. A good wife keeps her husband’s secrets. She never shares her husband’s secrets with anyone, even if they promise not to tell.
6. A good wife gives her husband the space he needs to do the things he likes.
7. A good wife spends quality time with her man despite her very busy schedule.
8. A good wife always seek for ways to express her love for her husband by remembering special days in his life, getting him gifts & through other small gestures that shows him she loves him.
9. A good wife doesn’t just expect her husband to listen to what she has to say, she also listens to her husband too & discuss the things he’s interested in.
10. A good wife is honest & she’s a woman her husband can trust. She doesn’t keep secrets from her husband.
11. A good wife satisfies her man in bed & constantly tries to give him the best sex ever.
12. A good wife never ignores her looks after marriage. She takes care of herself & looks good.
13. A good wife treasures her husband for who he is & doesn’t try to change him into someone he isn’t.
14. A good wife takes her husband out on a date whenever she can. Dates help rekindle the romance in a marriage, & a good wife understands this.
15. A good wife admits her mistakes & doesn’t always need to be right.
16. A good wife understands respect is reciprocal. She understands for you to earn your husband’s respect, you need to show respect love & respect him.
17. A good wife makes her husband her number one priority, not her children, friends, or parents.
18. A good wife appreciates her husband’s efforts & dedication to make the marriage work.
Content created and supplied by: MichaelOB4 (via Opera
News )