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Three(3) Fruits Your Wife Should Avoid When She Is Pregnant

It is generally known that fruits are foods that give several nutrients to the body. It is advisable to consume at least one fruit each day. However, there are some fruits that are not good for a woman when she is pregnant. If precautions are not taken while consuming them, they can cause vaginal bleeding and in worst cases, miscarriage as well.

There are hundreds of fruits out there but these three fruits must be avoided during the nine months of pregnancy. It is advisable for every man to take notes of the points below

#1. Pawpaw

Pawpaw is sometimes known as the most dangerous fruit to consume when one is pregnant. Pawpaw contains latex which can induce premature contractions and that can be dangerous for your baby. It is known that pawpaw is rich in vitamins and iron. One can choose to consume pawpaw but it must be at least once in a month. Eating it each day will surely get you into trouble. 

#2. Pineapple

This is also not recommended to the pregnant women as they contain certain enzymes that alters the texture of cervix which could induce premature contractions. It can results in miscarriage as well. If Pineapple is your favourite fruit, it would be advisable to consume it at least once in a month during pregnancy or avoid it at all.

#3. Grapes

Grapes can be consumed by pregnant women in the first six months of pregnancy. However, it is recommended for women who are in their 7th to 9th months of pregnancy. Grapes generate a lot of heat which is unsafe for the baby. It is advisable to stop eating grapes at the 7th to 9th month.

One can choose to enjoy mango, watermelon, banana and orange during pregnancy.

Content created and supplied by: Rexbank (via Opera
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