George Britton, a sharp entertainment critic, has entered the Kirani-Government saga and advised the artist to take a rough approach. A few days ago, musician Kirani Ayat used his Twitter account to criticize the Tourism Ministry for utilizing parts of his Guda music video to advance the #VisitGhana2022 agenda without his permission.
He claims that because he didn’t approve the use of his by the Government of Ghana, he is expecting to be paid royalties that are owed to him.
George Britton commented, in reference to the controversy around Abrantepa on E-Forum, that using rough methods to obtain one’s goals is necessary.
The attention you want sometimes requires being rough, according to Britton. We have been complaining about copyright laws and discussing how people are abusing other people’s intellectual property for whatever reason, but we haven’t received a response as of now.
You sit down and watch TV the number of songs you watch them using for adverts. I quite remember back then when I was managing Akoo Nana and we had a song called wash and wear. The was a soap brand that used the song to advertise without even our consent but fortunately for us, we had a few good lawyers around us.”
Britton continued to say that, “Unfortunately or fortunately for them, it didn’t come out for the whole country to discuss.”
Content created and supplied by: barbaraagyeman006 (via Opera
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