The excessive development of facial or body hair is known as hirsutism. Women’s hair may grow in areas where men have abundant hair but women have little hair. This includes the upper lip, chin, chest, and back. Androgens, a class of male hormones, are responsible for its development. All females produce trace levels of androgens. However, hirsutism may develop from high levels of this hormone.
Each individual’s symptoms may manifest slightly differently. Multiple body parts, the upper lip, chin, jawline, chest, back, and buttocks, are erupting with thicker or darker hairs.
The symptoms ofhirsutism often match those of other medical conditions. Consult your physician for a diagnosis.
What treatment exists for hirsutism?
Individual preferences dictate the mode of care. Physical harm is not brought on by hair growth. Each individual decides for himself how much hair to cut or eliminate.
A medicinal cream.
Creams containing eflornithine can inhibit hair growth. After 6 to 8 weeks, results are noticeable. If you stop using the lotion after eight weeks, your hair will begin to grow back.
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