The human intestine in divided into two, that is the small intestine and the large intestine. These two intestine helps the body to carry out its daily activities.
However, most individuals do not realize that over 80% of disease and weight problems are related to the contaminations of the intestine.
This organ play a very important role in the human body, it is responsible for removing toxins and waste product which are no longer needed in the human body but if for some reasons they remain they can cause serious health problems.
Toxins that accumulate in the intestine due to constipation go to the liver, and then through the blood spread through the body causing serious skin problem as well as the development of various chronic diseases.
Here are some natural ways to cleanse the intestine:
Firstly, one must drink a lot of water each day to prevent the body from dehydration and also empty the intestine as well.
Secondly is by practicing salt water flush, this will help clean the intestine and come out as a by product through urine.
So these are some natural ways to cleanse the intestine and also prevent diseases.
Content created and supplied by: Young (via Opera
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