Wonders shall never end. How come a religious leader can get the boldness to kill his own wife? What does he gain in taking the life of his partner? Why should he commit a crime and decide to hide it from the law enforcement agencies?
Why were over 30 female panties allegedly found in a pastor’s room? Should there be a regulatory body to oversee the ongoing “one-man” self made pastors?
How can the law make committing crimes unattractive?
Well, Onua TV has posted a picture of a pastor who is an alleged murderer of his own wife. Reports indicate that beheaded the wife.
Many Ghanaians have reacted to the ongoing discussion as some citizens have asked the law enforcement agencies to intensify investigations and bring him to book if indeed he committed such an atrocity.
Other Ghanaians have passed interesting remarks.
What are your thoughts on the ongoing discussion?
Content created and supplied by: JUKELAFRICA (via Opera
News )