It is very obvious in this recent years that time and health are two precious assets we don’t value and appreciate until they have been depleted. Many people take their health status for granted and therefore resort to bad eating habits which might endanger them in the future. Indigestion is the upset or discomfort in your upper abdomen.
Indigestion is not a disease and it is the feeling of discomfort. This is as a result of fullness after eating. Indigestion may be a symptom of another digestive disease and therefore don’t take it lightly when you notice it occasionally.
Symptoms of people with indigestion may include burning in the upper abdomen. You begin to feel an uncomfortable heat burning sensation between the bottom of your breastbone to the navel. Also, early fullness is another cause of indigestion. This happens when you realised you have not taking in too much of the meal but you already full and not interested to eat again.
It is advisable to consult your doctor when persist for more than two weeks and accompanied by loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, fatigue or repeated vomiting.
Knowing the causes of indigestion is a problem half way solved. Taking in too much caffeine and spicy foods is a major cause of indigestion. It can also be caused by smoking, anxiety or overeating. You may experience indigestion which is caused by some certain digestive such as gallstones, peptic ulcer and constipation.
Making a diagnosis on indigestion may be through endoscopy to check any abnormalities on the upper abdomen. A biopsy, that is, tissue sample may be taking for analysis.
To treat indigestion, you must completely desist or reduce the intake of caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods. You can also treat it by taking foods in bits at separate hours than taking too much of a food at a go.
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