The human eye is one of the most important organ of the human body, yet most people don’t give it enough care due to some reasons.
This organ help us to undertake most of our activities both day and night, however most individuals have problem with their eyes which makes it difficult for them to undertake most of their activities.
Here are some eye disorders and how to get rid of them:
We start with Cataract: Cataract is a condition occurring in the lens of the eye when the proteins breaks down due to age, physical trauma and clump togetherness. As the clump grow and change, vision will become blurry, you may experience double vision in one eye.
Due to this the image transmitted from the brain to the retina and the optic nerve become incomplete.
It is treated by using artificial lens made with either silicon or plastic and also a cataract surgery.
We also have dry eyes which is one of the common eye disorder. This can be prevented by consistently using lubricating eye drop, the use of lubricating eye drop help create artificial tears and relieve eye disorder.
So these are some are problems and how to get rid of them.
Content created and supplied by: Young (via Opera
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