I got pregnant nine years ago while dating my current partner. I then brought up the necessity of legalizing our marriage but adamantly refused to go to the courts with me and wouldn’t agree to a church wedding either because they also require that you register the marriage on the day of the ceremony.
I cried and begged him several times to legalize the marriage in the eyes of the Lord. My parents tried to convince him, but he still refused.
When I involved his family members their response to me was that he is old enough to make his decisions. With much heartbreak and disappointment, I had to accept my fate despite my deepest desire to not have a child out of wedlock considering all the shame it could bring. I settled for traditional marriage.
My dad was angry and disappointed in him so he vowed to help me become a successful and independent woman with or without him a man who doesn’t want to legalize his relationship with me. After I gave birth to our first baby, my dad helped me secure a job with a multinational and things started to turn around for me.
I was able to take care of myself and the baby without my husband’s help. Any legal document only had my name on it and my children’s name, I haven’t even put him down as my next of kin for anything.
Just last month my decided to transfer me to one of our branches in Texas and the is willing to pay for my entire family to relocate with me. Can you imagine that my husband is willing to relocate mainly because his business isn’t doing so well?
However what he fought so hard against, has come to bite him, there’s no proof that he’s my husband. But guess what, he’s now willing to go to court and legalize our marriage to which I have said “No!”.
Upon hearing this my dad threatened to disown me if I ever go with him to court. My husband has also been going around town trying to brand me as a disloyal wife, only keeping my riches to myself.
His family members have been calling and begging me and I also responded to them, ‘I’m old enough to make my decisions and I have stood my ground just like he did to me nine years ago.’
I know he didn’t treat me well but he’s the father of my children, what should I do?
NB: The photo is for illustrative purposes only.
Content created and supplied by: BATACH (via Opera
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