Alopecia can be transient or permanent, and it can affect your entire body or just your scalp. Inheritance, hormonal changes, medical difficulties, or simply aging could all play a role. Hair loss on the head is more common in men than in women.
Baldness is a term used to describe excessive hair loss from the scalp. Hereditary hair loss as people age is the most common cause of baldness. Some people choose to go unnoticed and untreated with their hair loss. It can be hidden by hairstyles, cosmetics, caps, and scarves. Others choose one of the therapies available to prevent further hair loss or restore hair growth.
Some Of The Indications And Symptoms Of Hair Loss Are As Follows:
There is a steady thinning of the skull’s top layer. This is the most common type of hair loss, and it occurs as people age. In men, hair starts to recede at the hairline on the forehead. Women’s hair has a broadening of the part in the majority of cases. In older women, a receding hairline is an increasingly common hair loss trend.
Bald patches are either circular or splotchy. Some people lose hair in circular or spotty bald spots on the head, beard, and brows. Your skin may feel painful or unpleasant before the hair falls out.
Hair loss may happen all of a sudden. A physical-mental trauma can cause hair to loosen. A few strands of hair may fall out when combing or washing your hair, or even after light tugging. This type of hair loss is associated with hair thinning, which is usually only transitory.
Some medical conditions and treatments, such as cancer chemotherapy, can result in hair loss all over the body. Hair regrows in most cases. This is a sign of ringworm. It may be accompanied by broken hair, redness, swelling, and leaking.
People shed 50 to 100 hairs per day on average. This is generally invisible because new hair grows at the same time. Hair loss occurs when a person’s hair falls out and is not replaced by new hair.
Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications used to treat cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure.
Cancer is treated with head radiation therapy. It’s conceivable that the hair won’t regrow as quickly as it did previously.
Many people detect a general thinning of their hair several months after physical or emotional stress. This type of hair loss is only temporary.
Excessive hairstyling or hairstyles like pigtails or cornrows that pull your hair tight can cause traction alopecia, a kind of hair loss. Permanents and hot-oil hair treatments can also cause hair loss. If scarring develops, hair loss may become irreversible.
Content created and supplied by: Asiamah001 (via Opera
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