Learn To Respect Akufo-Addo Even If You Do Not Like Him – Ransford Gyampo Tells Ghanaians

It has been a rather interesting week as Ghanaians witnessed a rather interesting spectacle at the Global Citizen Festival in Accra. The event which was held to create awareness about eradicating poverty saw President Akufo-Addo deliver the keynote address to the massive crowd. The president called in the youth to be proactive in finding solutions to the problems of Ghana.

One of the highlights of the night were the boos that Akufo-Addo received while he was speaking to the crowd. Some members of the crowd who have been tagged as NDC were observed jeering at the President and calling him to walk away. In a sharp response to the debacle of last Saturday, lecturer with the Political Science Department at the University of Ghana, has admitted that al isn’t well with the country but called on Ghanaians to calm down and show respect to the seat of the President.

In Facebook post, Ransford Gyampo noted that Ghanaians may not be happy about the state of the country, but called on them to respect the ideals of their culture and not allow their morals to go sour just because of what they are seeing now. According to Prof. Gyampo, Ghanaians have good manners by respecting the elderly but this probably was thrown to the dogs after what happened last Saturday.

The learned Professor called on Ghanaians to at least respect the seat of government and presidency no matter the party colours of the one occupying it. Though Prof Gyampo didn’t explain why he posted this, his comments section was filled with people referring to what had happened on Saturday and why President Akufo-Addo should expect more of this from the youth.

It is unclear who really were behind the jeers aimed at the president. Some government communicators have pointed hands at the NDC for planting saboteurs in the midst of the crowd. However, can we conclude that all those who booed are NDC? Did Ghanaian disrespect the president by booing at him? Should courtesies and culture prevent one from booing at something that isn’t working? Did the NDC plan to embarrass the President?

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Ransford Gyampo
University of Ghana