D-Black had shared a very beautiful photo of himself and her 13-year-old daughter on social media which was been admired by many Ghanaians and most of her lovely fans as well. I hope you will love to see her daughter as well. Let’s have a look at the pictures below. View more on his Instagram page if you want.
On his recent post on his Instagram page, this is the caption he added to his post which made most people react soo much to her post. Let’s have a look at it below. And he wrote, “Took my almost 13-year-old daughter to her first concert the last nite. She wanted to see @sza soo baby, all month that’s all I Benn hearing. She had a great time! After Sza performed at around 12:00qm. swipe to see the end …lol”. This is what he added to his post on her Instagram page. Here are some of the comments she received on social media. Most people were surprised to see her 13-year-old daughter. She looks very pretty and nice.
Content created and supplied by: EcstaticloveZone (via Opera
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