Selly Galley, born as Selorm Galley-Fiawoo is a Ghanaian actress and a media personality. Selly Galley is a television and radio presenter who was born on September 25, 1987 and is 35 years. She has acted in a number of movies and has won some awards. Selly Galley is an event host and a brand influencer. Below is a picture of Selly Galley.
The Ghanaian fashionista is married to Steven Fiawoo, popularly known as Praye Tietia. He is a game of well-known music group Praye. Praye Tietia also called Cartel BigJ, is a singer and a songwriter. Praye Tietia is a multiple award-winning musician who has produced many hit songs together with his music group, Praye. Below is a picture of the husband of Ghanaian media personality and actress, Selly Galley.
Below is a picture of the mother of Selly Galley.
Below is a picture of the mother-in-law of Selly Galley. She is the mother of Praye Tietia.
Content created and supplied by: HannahAsiedu01 (via Opera
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