Vegetables, meats, and salads are frequently prepared with onions. They include significant amounts of dietary flavonoids, vitamin E, and C. Flavonoids help prevent cancer and inflammatory diseases, while vitamin C supports the immune system. Organosulfur compounds found in onions help the body prevent cardiovascular disease.
Have you heard of the practice of placing onions on one’s feet at night? What are the benefits then?
This is what happens when sliced onions are left on the foot surface all night:
Onions are both antibacterial and antiviral. As a result, when used on the foot, they help to prevent infections by boosting the immune system. Therefore, infection therapy is more effective.
Because onions’ phosphoric acid, a molecule produced when they are diced, attracts toxic substances, they aid in the elimination of toxins. Blood cleansing is aided by this.
Antioxidants, which are abundant in onions, help the body’s defenses to remain strong. They include a lot of the antioxidant vitamins E and C.
Onions have a strong sulfuric smell because of this. When administered to the feet, these substances enter the body. The blood is then purified and germs and viruses are eliminated. Others assert that when placed in the room, they remove toxins, poisons, and viruses from the air.
In conclusion, sleeping with sliced onions in your socks promotes healing from disease. According to Chinese medicine, the soles of their feet included nerve endings. The body’s primary organs and nervous system can be accessed through these nerve terminals.
Content created and supplied by: Gifty2562 (via Opera
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