In life, there are times when you need to be mentally sharp, to make good decisions fast. In those times you need to be mentally strong. That means managing your emotions, adjusting your thinking, and choosing to take positive action whatever your circumstances. But like any physical strength, mental strength doesn’t just happen. It has to be developed.
Below are effective ways to become mentally strong.Review your friendships and relationships. Sometimes life takes sharp turns, and when that happens, you have to review your relationships, family relationships. If they don’t work well in both directions, dump the old friends and relatives, and get new ones. When it comes to friends and relatives Don’t settle for second-best. If you can’t do that, you are better off not having any relationships. Find other ways to fill in the blank spaces if that bothers you.
Be financially smart by budgeting everything.
You can only achieve your goals if you know how to manage your own finances, so if you don’t know how to do it, learn. Otherwise, your goals will not come to fruition, and will only be unrealized dreams.
Admit to yourself that you are only good at a few things. The sooner (and younger) you learn what these few things are, the better. Hire other people who are better and smarter than you at the things you are not good at.
Not everything has to be shared for you to find happiness. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself and others that you prefer being alone if that is the way you are. Not only is each of us unique, but we can change over time in unexpected ways. Sometimes we change drastically. Forget the past, and welcome the future as a wholly new experience.
Be keenly aware of what others think of you. And endlessly adjust your personality to suit the needs of the situation. It’s called situational awareness. (Most people never master this.) Just remember that you are responsible for the impression you make on others, and you never get a second chance to make a good first impression.
Always listen carefully. Remember that smart people can say and do really dumb things, and wisdom can come from idiots. Don’t waste your time on mass superstitions like organized religion. Because you are outsourcing your own critical thinking if you do. Don’t let the beliefs of dead people with different experiences define your own life.
Content created and supplied by: Sharonnewsgh (via Opera
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