Residents in the Bosome Freho district of the Ashanti region of Ghana are are calling on government to let them know their stand in terms of development.
Speaking during a demonstration against deplorable roads in their area, the Chief of Korkyekrom one of the communities in the district, Nana Korkye Ababio disclosed to the media that in the year 2007, Bogu to Asokwa junction road was assigned to be constructed but couldn’t complete and the NDC government also continued for a while but couldn’t also complete.
In the era of Nana Addo, nothing has been shown on the road and no other development has been given to the district. Therefore they want their road to be constructed now or the government should tell them their fate if they are part of the country.
On their placard displayed:
1. No road no vote come 2024 general elections.
2. We deserve our share of the national cake and many more.
Content created and supplied by: Randasty (via Opera
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