Ghanaians React As TV3 Ghana Shared This Photo On Social Media

TV3 Ghana had shared another post on social media which is causing a massive stir online recently. On their recent post on their Facebook page, the caption they gave states clearly that this man as you below is a pastor who had admitted to himself that he was the one who buried the missing nursing student meanwhile he claims he’s a Chief.

Let’s have a look more below or you can view more as well on their Facebook page @TV3 Ghana.

On their post on social media, they added this caption which explains everything that must be understood. Let’s have a look at what they added below. And they were, “Accomplice, a poster, is said to have confessed to the heinous act after he led the police to the scene”. This is what they added to their post on social media.

Below are some of the comments they received on social media after the post. You can also join the conversation as well on their Facebook page.

Content created and supplied by: EcstaticloveZone (via Opera
News )
