A young woman probably between the ages of 25 and 35 years has been recorded on camera crying like a baby after going through a surgical operation to enlarge her backside. According to the person who posted this video on social media, the young woman underwent a surgical operation known as the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). The nurses were seen escorting this woman to her car but she was crying painfully.
She had wanted to sit in her car but the nurses advised her to sleep on her stomach. This is because sitting on her backside will destroy her Brazilian Butt Lift and cause more pain. The front seat of the car was lowered on the woman slept on her stomach.
Some social media users after coming across this video started laughing. Others said this is the kind of pain the ladies have been going through after going through the Brazilian Butt Lift, however, they pretend that It is not painful.
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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