The brain is regarded as the most important organ in our bodies. It regulates our body’s functions, concentration, thinking, and heartbeat, among others.
Because foods have been shown to have an impact on brain function, I’ll focus on foods to avoid in this article. Below are the foods you should avoid:
1. Foods high in sodium
They have an effect on blood pressure, which makes it difficult for your heart to function properly. Too much sodium impairs one’s cognitive abilities and intelligence.
2. Alcohol.
Excessive drinking reduces brain volume, disrupts neurotransmitters, and causes vitamin B1 deficiency, among other things. As a result, it may result in chronic memory loss.
3. Proteins that have been altered.
Proteins are essential for proper body function because they serve as a building block for muscles. The nervous system is harmed by processed proteins.
4. Junk/fast food.
These foods cause depression and anxiety disorder by altering the chemical enzymes in the brain. Furthermore, they stifle the production of the dopamine hormone, which is responsible for feelings of well-being, learning capacity, and alertness.
Content created and supplied by: Gifty2562 (via Opera
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