Lemon juice is most commonly used to cure and manage certain diseases, but it also has a few benefits for our skin and overall health.
However, in addition to its benefits, consuming an excessive number of lemons or digesting them in large quantities may result in some unpleasant side effects. Here are some of the warning indicators that you should reduce or avoid lemon squeeze for a while if you notice them.
Teeth that have been contaminated.
When our teeth come into contact with acidic substances, such as lemon juice, the top layer (polish) of our teeth begins to corrode. If not addressed promptly, this condition can deteriorate and affect the interior portion of the teeth, making them sensitive.
Dehydration is a problem.
Lemon, according to scientists, might cause drying since too much of it can act as a diuretic, meaning you’ll end yourself going to the bathroom frequently. Your body will continue to lose water in this manner, and it will eventually become dehydrated.
Kidney problems.
Lemon strips are a food that contains oxalates, which are naturally occurring compounds found in humans, plants, and animals. The difficulty with oxalate is that it takes shape and causes medical problems when it combines with other substances in the circulatory system.
Content created and supplied by: Gifty2562 (via Opera
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