Craftsman Moussa Sandiana Kaba popularly known as “Grand Pa”, got a conciliatory identification from the hands of the Head of State, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, as a component of advancing Guinea’s way of life and objectives. Joined by his director, Alpha Sylla, the cheerful recipient saluted and said thanks to the Top of State’s token of acknowledgment and vowed to respect Guinea around the world.
Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya demonstrates his obligation to the way of life and objective of Guinea which he means to recover the spot that was his on the planet regarding this situation. One more wagered that he would certainly need to win and in all areas, Guinea had radiated through the fortitude and greatness of the abilities of his children.
His visit was by means to strengthen the bond between Guinea and another part of Africa. Even though, the president of Guinea, Doumbouya is someone that most people fear visiting but this has shown a great relationship he has with everyone.
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