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Thursday, March 6, 2025
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A Woman Retells Why Her Boss Sacked Her After One Week Of Working With Him

A woman called Regina narrates why her boss sacked her after one week of working with him. According to the woman, she gave her phone to a man named Bafco who repairs phone in their vicinity. Few days later, she got an information that Bafco has opened a chop bar and he is searching for workers.

Regina said she was not working at that time so she became interested in working at the chop bar. Fortunately she was employed and her boss even told her to manage the business. The boss gave her an amount of GHC1,500 to buy foodstuffs and the vegetables they will need for cooking the food. She too brought her utensils to work with it at the chop bar but they did the business for only one week and it collapsed.

The boss became upset and sacked her because of the money he has loose but he seized her cooking utensils claiming that he she has to pay back the money he gave to her before he will allow her to send the utensils back home. What worries her is that, the boss has employed another person and they working with her utensils. Regina said she wants Bafco to give her those utensils.

According to Bafco, the woman’s boss it is true that he employed Regina to work at his chop bar. The business was running smoothly and also used GHC500 to buy bush meat for them but the money she gave him in a day was not enough. He monitored the way she was cooking and found out that her cooking skills too was not good.

He also realized that the woman didn’t use the money he gave her to buy the foodstuffs but she took those items from the market women without paying for it. At end of the week, she was having only GHC600 out of the GHC2,000 he invested in the business. He has to close down the chop bar and invest another money into it before they were able to start working. Bafco said he won’t give those utensils to Regina unless he pay his money to him.

Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
News )


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