Modern conveniences like the microwave are quite useful for reheating meals or fast snacks. And while that might be the case, not all meals reheat in the microwave in the same way. For some meals, using the microwave can be risky.
The problem with microwaves is that they use a particular kind of electron tube called a magnetron to send “microwaves” throughout the machine’s interior, which in turn causes the food’s molecules and particles to vibrate and heat up. Even though some foods benefit greatly from this, not all foods do. The following ten items are never appropriate for microwave reheating.
First, processed beef.
Preservatives and chemicals are frequently added to processed meats in an effort to extend their shelf life. The problem is that these ingredients might become considerably more hazardous to your body when microwaved. Studies have also revealed that microwaved processed meat may introduce cholesterol oxidation products, which are known to be associated with the emergence of heart disease.
2. Rice
I almost always eat rice, thus learning this was a terrible discovery for me. But rice that has been left out can harbor a bacteria called Bacillus cereus. The fried rice sickness is a reference to how common this is in rice. Furthermore, heat doesn’t always eliminate microorganisms.
3. Hard-boiled eggs
Thankfully, this one is more about inconvenience and impracticality than it is about risk. In spite of tutorials guaranteeing a flawless microwaved boiled egg, this will only produce a huge mess. Therefore, stick to a boiling pan unless you enjoy scraping eggshells and goo off of surfaces.
4. Spicy peppers
When spicy peppers are microwaved, their chemicals become steamy, making it simple for them to burn your skin and eyes when you open the microwave. AHS claims that macerating oneself is remarkably comparable to microwaving hot peppers.
5. Fish.
If you’ve ever microwaved fish to reheat it, you’re already aware of how foul it tastes and stinks. And the issue about fish is that if you’re eating it for its nutritional value, reheating it in the microwave will just ruin it and raise your risk of being ill. On top of that, it’s disgusting.
6. Grapes
Some recipes call for hot grapes, which may seem like something no one would ever do. DO NOT, however, microwave them to obtain that heat. Why? According to Smithsonian Magazine, they function much like an antenna, sending electrical currents “shooting” across the skin that they are in contact with.
7. Leafy Greens
Naturally occurring nitrates can be found in leafy greens. And while they are healthy in their natural state and when not exposed to microwaves, the nitrates become carcinogenic nitrosamines when they are cooked in a microwave.
 8. BroccoliÂ
Broccoli is probably one of the vegetables that people microwave the most because frozen bags that are ready to steam are sold in stores. Unfortunately, the problem with it is that you run the risk of losing up to 97% of the flavonoids that broccoli contains when you microwave it.
9. Bread
Reheating bread isn’t the best for the flavor, even if it might not necessarily be dangerous. This happens because the starch in flour contains sugar molecules that, when cooked, form a chewy wad. Additionally, that chewy wad frequently hardens, which is just disgusting. Instead, consider heating it in the oven.
10. Food that has already been microwaved.
It’s advisable to avoid saving leftovers from microwave reheating if anything has already been heated in the microwave. For instance, if you microwaved some vegetables in a steamer, you wouldn’t want to microwave them once more to reheat them hours later. The food loses some of its quality each time you microwave it, which increases your chance of contracting food poisoning.
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