1.. Asante Kotoko will announce a gargantuan sponsorship deal very soon. All documentations are done. It’s telecommunication network . Management will announce it before the second league match of our champions league match against FC Kadiogo.
2.. Baba Yara will be hosting our Champions league match and probably other related games. Asante Kotoko supported the NSA with product from Hisense to finish the second phase or the minor works that were for CAF approval.
3..Any info going round some media houses that Mbella has refused to train is NOT TRUE , supporters shouldn’t give a hearing to that story. The player wasn’t training due to injury.
4.. Asante Kotoko management announced the appointment of the video analyst as it was speculated some weeks ago. The new Video Analyst speaks three(3) languages.
5.. Asante Kotoko management will announce a sporting director very soon to complete the technical team. The one leading the race now is Spanish.
6. The team is expected to leave Ghana on Wednesday by Emirte Air.
Training continues tomorrow at the same venue till they leave Ghana.
Content created and supplied by: Allnewsman (via Opera
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