A Ford Bus of branded Kennedy Agyapong for 2024 elections causes traffic on the streets and social media. With netizens and near by residents contemplating on his ability to fit for the next Presidential elect.
This car was alledgely found in the streets of Kumasi. A very popular town in the Ashanti region. This photo encouraged many passengers and pedestrians to start supporting Kennedy Agyapong for his presidential ambition and take Ghana to a greater height. Meanwhile, would supporters of Alan Kyeremanteng cross carpets for Kennedy??.Your votes would determine your counts.
Nertheless, others also have high hopes Kennedy would perform just poorly like Akuffo Addo. Despite, Ghanaians opinion, Hon Kennedy Agyapong has declared himself the next president of the state and the only man to take Ghana to the Promise land.
View netizens reactions.
Share your thoughts as well. Would Kennedy play the role of Moses or Joshua? Thanks for reading
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