Road crashes are major concerns of every government and the current government is no exception.
In as much as the various governments put in measures to curtail the menace, none has been able to find the antidote.
However, the founder and leader of No Weapon Prophetic Ministry International, Prophet Ernest Agyei Boateng, Popularly called Prophet No Weapon has revealed that about 80% of these crashes are spiritually influenced.
He made this revelation when discussing ‘Causes of recent road crashes’ on Dawohoso, a program on Radio 1 with Obido.
He buttressed his argument with the story of Jonah who disobeyed God and was eventually swallowed by a whale in the deep sea.
“Obido, most of the accidents are as a result of spiritual manipulation. I can say on grounds that about 80% of these accidents are not physical, they are spiritually motivated. Jonah did same in the bible and God punished him. So if anybody boards a vehicle and is cursed, it can affect all those on board” – Prophet No Weapon opined.
He added that, previously, drivers were very careful on the road especially when they get to a river because it was assumed that the river gods and their children may be passing but now, they don’t do that.
“Most of today’s drivers don’t even stop when they get to bridges on rivers/streams. There are some Rivers you need to perform some directions before crossing but they don’t do it anymore. They are taking things for granted” – He maintained.
Moreover, he advised that drivers be spiritually inclined and always ask God to lead them whenever they set off.
Would you agree with Prophet No Weapon on his opinion? How can Ghana reduce road crashes if the occurrences have nothing to do with spiritism?
Send your comments in the comment box below but don’t forget to share.
Story filed by: Obido
Content created and supplied by: realglobal (via Opera
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