Good news to brilliant but needy Muslim students in the upper West region as the regional chief Imam’s new initiative to support students through education all set to begin operatio.n
Some members of the board of the yet-to-be-launched Upper West Regional Chief Imam Educational Endowment Fund visited the regional minister, Dr Bin Salih Hafiz in his office to announce this good news.
They informed the minister of the establishment and registration of the fund. The fund is the initiative of the Regional Chief Imam. It is aimed at providing support for needy but brilliant students to further their studies at the tertiary level.
According to the board members, the Regional Chief Imam, Alhaji Osman Kanihi intends to launch the fund in October this year.
Dr Bin Salih Hafiz in his remarks said “It is an initiative that I fully support and I will certainly contribute to its sustenance. I, therefore, call on all well-meaning Ghanaians to contribute to the establishment and sustainability of this laudable initiative of the Upper West Regional Chief Imam”.
Mr. Abdul-Rahman Marcus, Secretary to the board spoke on their behalf. May Allah be our guide.
Content created and supplied by: Newsflash (via Opera
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