I always feel that after spending a lot of money in supermarkets, it’s worthwhile giving some money to most women on the roadside. It’s not uncommon for you to travel to see people in your ancestral home, what we ordinarily call our village, selling under the scorching sun.
A similar situation is this woman who is seen dozing with his head leaning towards the car while sitting on the ground. This photo emerged on Facebook which shows how tough life has been and from all indications, she seemed exhausted.
Should a woman of this age be on the roadside selling a product to earn a living? All these people selling goods in the roadside market want an income. Is their effort in the right direction? Most goods they sell, mangoes, tamarind, and jackfruits come from trees they don’t plant. What could happen if they planted these trees themselves?Â
The sad part is that these roadside traders are harassed regularly and their only crime is to try and find a customer, besides they are taxed, and they pay market dues daily.
It would be very good if such roadside sellers are organized into groups and supported both technically and financially by the different short-lived government programs.
Content created and supplied by: Winnerwriter (via Opera
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