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Updates On Teachers Promotion, Salaries, Text Books And NTC Workshops – GNAT Hour

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), have given some updates on teachers promotion, salaries and other issues in education.

On GNAT Hour hosted by Angel Fm on Saturday, 27th August 2022, the Ashanti Regional GNAT Chairman Mr. Prosper Takyi gave updates on the above issues.

Summary Of Some Of The Issues Discussed On GNAT Hour.

1. Validators within the four corners of the country can confirm that COLA has been paid. COLA will expire by December, thus the need for 2023 negotiations.

2. Negotiations on minimum wage : The technical committee met last Tuesday and will submit their report to the tripartite committee hopefully next week. The percentage isn’t out yet, but the Union is ready to stand against anything below average. 

3. Junior rank promotion: Most teachers have been captured and duly paid. Those who were captured this month were paid with arrears. If by September, some teachers are still not promoted, the Union will be forced to act. 

You may watch the entire program.

4. Biometric registration: Gnat has offered its secretariat for the program and recommends the Union to all newly trained teachers. 

5. Ashanti Data Plan: Interested members should request for the offer and should try to join the telegram platform for updates. Management is working to get Vodafone users on board. 

6. Deputy Director General (DDG): The unions have a say, he should leave office. If you are a leader and you have not nurtured someone to replace you, then you are a failure. There are competent people out there to replace him, even if he didn’t train one.

7. Textbooks for new curriculum: Distribution ongoing. 7 districts have already received theirs. Hopefully, all districts will get theirs before September ends. 

8. NTC workshop: No Director should impose any kind of workshop on any teacher. The teacher should select from the numerous service providers the workshop(s) he will attend, at his or her own discretion. 

Many teachers have lamented on the delay in promotion and upgrading of teachers. Some are also complaining of paying for workshops in the name of obtaining a CPD points. Mr Prosper’s updates have shed more light on those issues.

Content created and supplied by: Currentworldnews (via Opera
News )

Angel Fm
Ashanti Regional GNAT
Ghana National Association of Teachers
Prosper Takyi

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