On Friday, 26 August 2022, the Minister of Information who doubles as the Member of Parliament for Ofoase / Ayirebi constituency, Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, together with Oda MP Hon. Akwasi Acquah, Asene / Manso / Akroso MP, Hon. George Kwame Aboagye, and Achiase MP, Hon. Kofi Ahenkorah Marfo, inspected the progress of work on roads in their enclave.
There have been so much noise made on the deplorable state of the roads in the area and as constructors are working on them the found it necessary to visit them to ascertain the current status.
“The Oda to Ofoase Road is 36.2km. We had until a month ago, successfully tarred 20km with bitumen. A month ago, work resumed with the tarring of the final 16.2km.” – Hon Kojo Oppong Nkrumah said to the media.
They used the opportunity to engage their constituents to address other issues that need to be be addressed.
“I also responded to constituents’ questions about the progress of work on other projects in Ofoase/Ayirebi. Prima sealing works are programmed to be completed by October 2022. This should bring final relief to my people.” – Oppong Nkrumah added
Is the government on course solving our road issues?
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