Did you know you’re supposed to use Angels to work for you in all things?
Most people would tremble just thinking about instructing an Angel what to do, let alone witnessing one with their own eyes. I’ve seen numerous Angels in my years of prayer, intercession, and visions, and I’ve found that when the Angels appear, they usually wait for my instruction!
“Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrew 1:14”.
Some people believe that Angels no longer visit Earth, or that they only visit individuals who are deemed “holy,” and are startled when someone takes a photo of a luminous being in Church and claims it is a fraud and a Photoshop invention. But, according to the Bible, we should not be surprised if we are “entertaining Angels” and are unaware of it.
Even Jesus stated unequivocally that He could summon Angels to attend to Him. A legion of twelve angels is a lot of angels! And as followers of Jesus, who provides you access to Father, the LORD of Hosts (Angels), you can also call on Angels for assistance in all things your finances.
“Or do you think that I cannot call on my Father, and he will provide me here and now with more than twelve legions of angels? Matthew 26:3”.
If you want to entertain Angels and truly put them to work for you, you must first agree with God, His Word, and take action in order for them to manifest and come to help you realize God’s objectives for your entire life.
Sanctify yourself, get go of lusty things, and purify yourself so that you can call Angels to your assistance at any time.
When you ask God to deploy your angels, you are requesting that He send them forth to assist you, which He will do. The fact that you can’t see them doesn’t imply they aren’t there. In the Book of 2 Kings, we learn that Prophet Elijah’s petition to God opened Elisha’s eyes, and in response, Elisha sees horses and chariots of fire all around him, replete with Angelic presence and support! The fight would be won not by men, but by Angels!
Ask God to send you Angels to carry out a certain assignment every time you leave your house, go to work, get in your car, enter a building, or find yourself in a circumstance and He will.
My brothers and sisters ! Why do you persist in waiting? Fear is the precursor to doom. He who lives in the Most High’s secret place will remain under the Almighty’s wing, according to Psalm 91.
The supreme might of the Almighty God has you completely protected; nothing can harm you. Use your angels now to your advantage by calling upon them. They are numerous and ready to help you in all your pursuits.Â
Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
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