Popular man of God Reverend Lawrence Tetteh has finally revealed a hidden truth in modern day christianity. After that revelation, he abolished every all-night service in his church.
Explaining himself, Reverend Lawrence Tetteh reiterated that there is nothing special or spiritual about all-night services. However it drains one’s energy against the activities for the next day.
Explaining how all-night services came into existence, Reverend Lawrence Tetteh noted that all-night services were organised simply because there wasn’t enough spaces to worship in the olden days.
He added that, during that time, most churches were using classrooms for church services. That means church could only be organised after students had closed for preps in the evening.
Unfortunately, many people have followed this trend till now.
” I can’t drain my energy at night and sleep during programs wearing my clerical the next day. It’s not nice. That will be irresponsible of me. I’ve cancelled it entirely” Reverend Lawrence Tetteh explained.
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