When we are in love the only thing on our mind is the person we fell for. Love can sometimes be blinding and this means we are more prone to making choices that can have serious negative consequences in the future. Imagine being married to a guy who thinks you are not worthy of wonderful things, does not like to be seen with you and thinks of you as nothing more than his wife or thinks you don’t have the qualities he wants in his girl. Isn’t it like the worst dream ever? So in this article, I have listed down some qualities and if your man has most of them then reconsider your choices and do not marry him.
More focused on his work than you. Soon after marriage, there is a steep rise in responsibilities and if he isn’t giving time to you right now you already know what’s going to happen after you marry him. So it’s better if he balances both but if he doesn’t let him be with his work rather than you.
He doesn’t respect you and abuses you. Do you need another reason to break the relationship and not marry a man like him? A man who can’t respect and abuses his woman is not even worth calling a man! Just break up and leave him! Among all the qualities this is the one that you should never ignore!
Makes excuses. If he’s making excuses all the time that can only mean that something else is more important to him than you. It’s all about priorities and obviously, you are not his priority. You don’t want to spend your entire life with someone who can’t make you feel important in his life.
Lies. Relationships are all about trust and believing in each other. If he takes that away by breaking the code of taking confidence in each other than he needs to be replaced. If not the lies, then the liar needs to be confronted.
Does not let go of the fight. A little argument and fights are necessary for a relationship but if he just doesn’t let it end you need to think about being with him. But if he never agrees to settle on a decision and is not willing to let you keep your opinion, he is the problem and you need to move away from him.
Breaks his promises. You can forgive someone for forgetting some important days and even breaking a promise if it’s done once in a blue moon. But what if he breaks his promises often? If your man does that it’s time to leave him because he’s just making a fool of you. Find a keeper instead of being with a promise breaker.
Content created and supplied by: Sharonnewsgh (via Opera
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