A 38 years old man named Bright Manu from Patase in Kumasi in an interview tells what happened after he slept with 30 different women years ago. The man detailed that he was not a devoted Christian in his twenties, so he involved himself into womanizing, the man said he slept with 30 different women at that time and spent most of his money on them. He fell sick and went to the hospital to seek for medical treatment.
After a thorough examination, the doctors told him that he has been infected with Gonorrhea and was given medication. One evening he heard an unknown voice telling him to repent from his bad deeds and start going to church, he listen to that voice, repented and started servingGod. Bright said he decided to find a woman and legally marry her. But all the women he approached rejected his proposal. The man continued that an unknown man told him to pray hard before he will be able to get married.
What the man told him made him cried throughout that day. Three days later another woman too told him to pray hard before taking any step to get married. Bright said he got a lady called Vida and made plans to marry her but his father didn’t allow him to get married to her. Since that day he tried on different occasions to find a woman but all of them rejected his proposal.
Bright again revealed he has not slept with any woman ever since he repented and became a Christian because is determined to get married before having any affair with a woman. and it got to a point that he lost hope in search of a wife. One day his church elders got him a woman and he decided to marry her but that woman told him that she sees something scary covering his face. She ran away and didn’t returned back to him again. Bright said he needs help so that he can a good woman who will support him in life to marry.
Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
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