Togbe Afede is believed to be against the new patriotic party for rejecting an ex-gratia funds which was paid into his account. This is enough to unleash all sorts of political propaganda and allegations against him for being political. It is something we are used to as Ghanaians, and this means whether he was being political or not, Ghanaians will have it used for their propaganda ambitions.
According to Paul Adom Otchere, there are people in this country who can be of help to the growth of the economy due to their experience, expertise and commitment to growth. Togbe Afede if deemed an affable candidate for this position by the president can take on that role and perform his duties even better.
He claims he could be appointed by Nana Addo to replace Ken Ofori-Attah if desired by Nana Addo. But his , ASA will be forever looked out for first by Togbe Afede before any further decisons are made by him as well.
Paul Adom Otchere reiterated his comment on the conflict of interest which was initiated in a conversation by the popular journalist, KKD. Paul made a post in which he cautioned the majority of Ghanaians who are confused that these analysis are purported for national growth and not to dent the reputation of any individual.
Content created and supplied by: Richisen (via Opera
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