The Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology has several halls however, Katanga remains unique and the members are well disciplined and organized. As part of their annual hall week celebration, the Zulu tradition was displayed by the residents.
Other Halls on various campuses around the world prefer to club and party during their celebrations but Katanga prefers to celebrate an African Tradition and it is the Zulu tribe of South Africa.
Many will reminiscence for some time these activities when they were there and this makes tertiary education very interesting. Aside from the pockets of violence that have been recorded due to certain behaviors attached to this Pan-African activity, it is beautiful. Let’s leave the violence out of it.
The Zulu Kingdom is the biggest in numbers across Africa and their brave King Shaka Zulu made it well known. Despite his heroic exploits, the king is believed to have trained his warriors in a fierce manner that was overly brutal. Nonetheless, he remains one of the few kings who fought the British together with his people and they never retreat or surrender in battle till today.Replicating the culture of a courageous tribe at our university is a step in the right direction. Wearing dresses made of sacks and carrying bamboo sticks shows a potential warrior in every student to face the world with determination.
We should not criticize these guys, they are exhibiting the African tradition which is a nice idea. University education is not all about books and theories, all these cultural practices make it colorful and exciting.Â
You can watch the video here
Content created and supplied by: Winnerwriter (via Opera
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