Everyone is incredibly well taken care of, but your ego will try its hardest to make you believe that you lack something. It conveys the idea that survival depends on competition and that there isn’t enough for everyone. It also informs you that even after you put in a lot of effort, your pay would not be enough to pay your bills. It claims that saving enough for a dream vacation or the ideal property takes years. The angels, on the other hand, claim that anything you wish for is possible as long as you are open to receiving it.
Being impoverished all day is highly empowering, yet the angels may change your perspective to one of abundance. Ask the angels for assistance if you believe your finances are unsteady. Unrestrictedly accept their help, and have faith that they will lead you in the right direction. A never-ending pot of gold is connected to the energy of your soul. You have a lot of energy from birth, and you can use it whenever you need to. Some people struggle with money throughout their entire lives. Others decide to accept their riches and realize the treasure that lies within their sacred soul.
Angels want to provide you money wealth, so you don’t have to feel bad asking for it. You’re not stealing from someone else; that’s just the ego’s constrained perspective. Each person has an infinite supply!
Money Exercise to Attract Abundance
Energy underlies everything, money. Ask for money to flow toward you in the same manner that you would ask God to send you healing energy. The angels advise you to think of money as a form of energy that you are entitled to. It is challenging for the angels to provide wealth to you if you struggle with receiving or have a fear of it.
Do this ritual exercise:
Get a bill of any denomination, as well as a pen and paper. Center yourself quietly and connect to the vibration of money. Hold the money in your hands or look at it softly. Next, ask yourself, “How do I feel about you?”
Make a list of everything that comes to mind. Even if it appears unconnected, note it down so you can go back and improve it later. Take note of how your body reacts, as well as any sights or phrases you hear. Make a list of everything. Then, ask yourself, “How do I treat you?” Write down your ideas, feelings, and images once more.
Finally, ask yourself, “How can I have more of you?” Pay attention to the money as it speaks to you.
Affirmations For Attracting Money
Positive affirmations are an excellent technique to reprogram your thoughts. Then you will be able to actualize your true heart’s wishes. Affirmations work best when they are both said and felt. Because it is critical to believe in what you affirm, it may take some time before this becomes a normal process. Please persevere since you have nothing but good experiences to acquire. Repeat your affirmations as many times as you like throughout the day and see the positive results of your financial flow.Â
Here are some of favorites affirmation that you might wish to use:
• I attract abundance.
• I am willing to receive.
• I trust that God and the angels are providing for all my needs.
• I welcome money into my life.
• I have more than enough money to pay my bills and to have fun.
Sit back and observe the fantastic outcomes.
Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
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