A 51-year-old mother named Madam Ajara retells what happened to her son after his friends introduced him to smoking and occultism. According to the woman, she was staying with her husband and son peacefully but seven years ago, her son named Alhasan started behaving strangely after he went out with his friend and he was taught how to smoke weed and Occultism.
The woman said they sent him to different priests and mallam yet her son has not become normal as he used to be. The woman reveal they all thought that it is because of the weed smoking that has led him into that condition. But the young man’s behavior is beyond control. Although they are Muslims but her son claims that he has converted to a Christian who always sings in the house.
Aside from that he always tells them that he has become very powerful and can heal those who are sick which is never true. The woman said she needs help so that her son will recover from what is happening to him. According to the young man, after his friend introduced him to smoking, he found out that there are more benefits to it than the harm people seem to be.
He explained that he used to see snakes on a lot of people’s heads but after he smoked the weed he became more powerful and was not able to see the snakes again. He also said his parents thought he is mad because of his behavior but it is not true, the young man detailed that he has put mirrors on all his clothes to prevent other people from harming him. Also he has been bathing five times in a day with holy oil which helps him to become more powerful and achieve everything he wants in life.
Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
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