The Emmanuel Methodist Church of Asiakwa in the Osiem circuit of the Koforidua Diocese is 90 years.
Most clergies and opinion leaders have sent their felicitations to the church for attaining such a feat.
Very Rev Yaw Amponsah sent his Good will message as follows:
Let us with ecstasy, pomp and joy sing with the hymnist, William Chartlerton Six (1837-93) and all the saints to MHB 964Â
verse 1:
To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts we raise in hymns of adoration.
To Thee bring sacrifice of praise with shouts of exaltation;
Bright robes of gold the fields adorn, the hills with joy are ringing.
The valleys stand so thick with corn that even they are singing.
Let us join our hands, hearts, minds and voices to sing, spread the gospel, and win more souls for Christ, as Rev. John Wesley has told the people called Methodists to do.
Our soul business on this earth ….. our church theme reiterates this, that the person, mission and work of the holy spirit still us, guide us and bless us to live the transformed life.
Take up your torch and wave it wide.
May the Lord bless us all this Happy 90thAnniversary, Hallelujah
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