Are you pregnant? Here are 3 simple things you can do to have an intelligent baby.
1. Eat healthy.
Omega 3 fatty acids are absolutely essential for baby’s brain development. Make certain you include foods that have a good of omega 3, such as, fish, soybeans and spinach, in your diet. Also, iron found in leafy vegetables, like spinach, helps the flow of oxygen to the baby’s brain cells.
2. Play music and get talking.
As the baby grows in the mother’s womb, babies begin to hear and even respond to sound. They may not understand what you are saying but stimulating your baby by talking or even singing can help with brain development. You can even ask you partner to speak to your belly and feel the baby respond in return.
Unborn babies love music. It helps trigger happy chemicals, like serotonin, which encourages them to be calm and even increase concentration power. After the birth, a baby remembers and relives all those good feelings associated with the music each time it was heard.
3. Get a little sunshine.
Never before has vitamin D been so important. All you need to do is soak some sunshine up for 20 minutes a day. Most of the vitamin D we rely on to grow healthy and strong bones comes from the sun, though it can also be found in a few foods like oily fish and eggs. This nutrient is essential for helping your baby develop strong bones and heart, and researchers have also started investigating a link between a lack of vitamin D in pregnant women and autism.
Content created and supplied by: Caesar (via Opera
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